Astrid Dijkgraaf

Astrid Dijkgraaf

Principal Ecologist

Astrid has a PhD in Ecology and an MSc (Hons) in Environmental Science from the University of Auckland and has been an ecologist for more than 26 years. During this time, she has worked for the Department of Conservation, Queen Elizabeth II Trust, and several private and global consultancies.

Astrid has worked on a wide range of projects throughout New Zealand from small private restoration and community projects to large corporate and government projects such as wind farms, roading infrastructure and large subdivisions. Her expertise includes Ecological Impact Assessments (EcIA), identification and assessment of Significant Natural Areas (SNA, SEA, PNA), restoration plans, surveys for threatened flora and fauna and pest plants and animals. Astrid undertakes identification, delineation and description of terrestrial ecosystems and wetlands. She produces pest plant control and hygiene plans, and is knowledgeable about biodiversity offsetting, ecosystem services and carbon sequestration. Astrid is respected by several councils for input and reviews of resource consents and District Plans, and she presents at hearings, including Environment Court.

Astrid has a good understanding of the legal requirements to manage New Zealand’s biodiversity and ecosystems and a pragmatic but honest approach to maintaining and improving natural values. She is currently leading the fun and very talented NZ Environmental Management ecology team and together we aim to deliver high quality outputs.

Astrid loves working with our clients to achieve mutually satisfactory outcomes. The projects that invite early engagement are generally the most satisfying as NZ Environmental Management can help a client to avoid tricky ecological aspects which saves time, money and the environment. So please get in touch.