This project encompasses scientific, technical, cultural, political and planning aspects.
NZ Environmental Management staff have been involved since the inception of the Ngawha geothermal power station in 1996, establishing baseline information and documenting physical characteristics of air quality, groundwater, springs, lakes, streams, habitats, and fauna in the surrounding environment.
From that time to the present, the environmental monitoring and Resource Consent compliance for Ngawha Geothermal Limited has been managed by NZEM staff, providing consistency and excellent integration of information.
In 2011 the Ngawha Power Stations were required to participate in the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS). We were involved in the planning and sampling required to comply with this legislation. This is ongoing and work is continuing to develop ways to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions.
In 2021 the OEC4 Power Station came online following years of planning, earthworks and construction. NZEM staff were involved in the initial planning, including environmental assessments. During the construction phase we monitored and advised on erosion and sediment control.
Ngawha Geothermal Resource Company first engaged NZE to undertake scientific measurements in 1996. The data collected from this was a critical reference point for the monitoring and management of the 10MW Pilot Power Station, which was commissioned in 1998. Environmental monitoring and management during the operation of the Pilot Station was carried out to meet all Resource Consent Conditions and provided valuable data for modelling and evidence for Council and Environment Court Hearings for the second station which was commissioned in 2008 increasing the station output to 25MW.
The company, which is now Ngawha Generation Ltd, part of the Top Energy Group, have continued to rely upon NZE for our extensive site monitoring and scientific reporting requirements. NZE have assisted NGL in many ways to successfully achieve obtaining the new consent for our expansion which has led to the development of our new geothermal power generation plant commissioned in 2021. This increased the station output to 57MW.
NZE have been invaluable for us to assist in managing this work and advising us on ways of improving and developing our environmental performance. It helps us to focus on our core business and provides an independent insight and check on our procedures and compliance. The NZE team is a trusted source of expertise for NGL..
Ray Robinson, General Manager Generation, Ngawha Generation Ltd