Ngawha Innovation and Enterprise Park

  • HAIL assessment over the site, including remediation
  • Assessment of Environmental Effects reporting
  • Water quality baseline and freshwater fish survey
  • Weed and Pest Management plans
  • Restorative and Landscape planting using seeds collected within the rohe.

The Ngawha Innovation and Enterprise Park is a development undertaken by Far North Holdings Ltd to develop a 240ha site into a centre for innovative business and processes.

The park, located at Ngawha near Kaikohe, was developed from a green fields site, with 60ha of the property set aside to protect and enhance forests and wetlands.

NZ Environmental Management staff were involved with the development from the inception, providing guidance for development on the site to minimise exposure to any potential contaminants and avoid negative impacts of the development on the forest and wetland areas.

Ongoing work has included the collection of seeds from native species within the rohe to use in landscaping and for building linkages between the wetlands and forest areas.

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