Grace - NZ Environmental

Grace Henty

General Manager

While Grace is relatively new to NZ Environmental Management, she originally trained in Marine Biology and Oceanography and is passionate about environmental management and sustainability. After 14 years in civil construction, coming back to an environmental focus has well and truly stoked the passion again.

Grace has gained valuable experience leading the team at our sister company, Hoskin Civil. She’s spent the past 3 years supporting development of staff and managing the programme to deliver a vast programme of projects. As a project manager, Grace found a passion for sustainable procurement, advocating for projects to achieve broader outcomes besides their primary goals. There are many project management skills that align well with what NZ Environmental do.

With 14 years of technical writing and reporting, including environmental and sustainability management plans, Grace is an asset to the team and brings a fresh perspective to our reports.

Recently Grace has been trained in Northland brown kiwi (Apteryx mantelli) call count monitoring.